Break the Bias
University and College Union
Break the Bias (2022) created for UCU North East.
A series of three films created for the UCU to mark International Women’s Day 2022, and their theme ‘Break the Bias’.
The films address the nuances of gender inequalities within higher education and how they intersect with other minoritised characteristics. We attended picket lines around the North East during strikes calling for action on issues such as fair pay and casualisation of contracts within higher education institutions, interviewing picketers and filming them in action. We also led a roundtable discussion at Teesside University regarding women’s experiences as lecturers and students there, forming the basis for the third film, ‘Teesside Talking’ (10min).
A 22 minute documentary ‘The Rising of the Women Means the Rising of Us All’ follows the filmmaking team’s journey around the North East to meet with strikers and listen to their experiences.
The short film ‘#Break the Bias’ (2 min), as seen on the left, was released on the UCU North East Twitter account and shared on their social media.
Co-directors, filmmakers, editors. Nuala Fowler and Ang Gao
Producer: Ian McDonald
Production company: Interventions